Tech – The Sweet Sybarite Tech/Sex/Magic Sat, 27 Apr 2024 19:52:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tech – The Sweet Sybarite 32 32 Chess, Cheating, and Adult Toys Sat, 27 Apr 2024 12:42:22 +0000

Chess, Cheating, and Adult Toys


Until today, The Sweet Sybarite would not have given a thought to Chess, but accusations made by world Chess Champion, Norwegian, Magnus Carlson sure has our ears perked.  On Sept 5, 2022 quit a match that was held via Teams, after only a couple of moves, allegedly in protest to Hans Niemann, a 19 year old up and coming player.  Who would have known just how interesting Chess matches can be.  

The true reason for Carlson resigning from the match may never be known.  He states that he would be in “big trouble” for talking about his true reason.  While Magnus Carlson may not be allowing his accusations to be voiced aloud, Reddit fans had no trouble spilling the tea.  According to posts found there, Hans Niemann is accused of cheating at Chess matches with the use of vibrating anal beads.  

This theory became so prevalent the even Elon Musk has chimed in. “Talent hits a target no one else can hit, genius hits a target no one can see (cause it’s in ur butt)” tweeted Musk on his official twitter account, adding that “the most entertainment outcome is most likely“.


To understand what the actual Hell is happening you must first know who this thirst trap is.

Magnus Carlson

Watch on X

Norwegian chess Grand Master, Magnus Carlson was born in 1990.  He has been known on the chess scene since he was a 13 year old child prodigy.  At the time of this post, he has won 5 World Grand Chess Championships, 5 Rapid World Chess Championships, and is the #1 world ranked player according the FIDE world chess rankings.  

Who would have known that The Man in Chess is a total thirst trap, but that’s not the story here.  

And now for this Guy

Hans Niemann – Chess Upstart and Admitted Cheater

This guy is up and coming (at the time of the incident) 19 Year-old, Hans Niemann.  Like a rising star, he came shooting on to the chess scene.  Niemann was blowing through online matches and making a name for himself.  All of that attention caused him to be investigated for cheating by the governing body, and he admitted that early on, while playing matches on he cheated on the electronic games to get higher rankings faster.  He claims that he only ever cheated on the electronic games, and that his motive was only to get more quickly to opponents he felt were more worthy of his skill level.  

He states that he hadn’t cheated in two years and that he was never playing for any tournament prizes when he did cheat, he just wanted to get righter rankings more quickly.  He also apologized and said it would never happen again. 

How do these guys and some anal beads make a salacious scandal?

The Sinquefield Cup 2022

Fast Forward to Niemann getting a last minute invite to play in the Sinquefield Cup, which is an annual Grand Master event held in St. Louis, Missouri.  This Cup is particularly significant because there was a large prize purse involved.  The total prizes for this event were $350,000 and the winner’s award was six figures.  That’s a pretty big payout.  

Screen Shot of Epic Game move

On Sept 4, 2022 19 year old Hans plays his first two matches of the tournament, and on round three he is paired with Grand Master Carlson. He pulls the upset of the Chess world and BEATS the Grand Master. Everyone is stunned.  Normally the winner will do a post game interview and move the commentators through critical moments in the match and explain their thought process.

Screen shot of uncomfortable Niemann
  • To Recap:
  • He is baby new to the scene and is just kicking everyone’s tail end BUT, then he got caught cheating, although really asserts that he just did it to get harder matches and hasn’t done it in years now that he is playing more worthy adversaries.
  • Then, he gets invited to a Cup and kicks the all the GM’s butts and pulls out the biggest upset in Chess history
  • Now, when he is supposed to go and explain to everyone how he was able to out maneuver just such a worth opponent, all he will say in the interview is “The Chess speaks for itself” That’s pretty sus.
  • The Chess really doesn’t speak for itself and usually the Grand Masters would explain their game. What is the problem?
  • You can see Magnus walking away in the background. He is not happy and Hans doesn’t look comfortable either.
Now that you are all caught up, check out this You Tube video for all of the details on the scandal.  
International Women’s Day – March 8, 2024 Sun, 03 Mar 2024 19:11:05 +0000

Now give us equal pay.

In 2024, the Sweet Sybarite celebrates International Women’s Day by reflecting on the progress we’ve made in the fight for gender equality while acknowledging the work that still lies ahead. One of the most pressing issues facing women globally, including in the United States, is the persistent pay disparity between men and women.  

Despite strides in education, representation, and advocacy, women continue to earn less than their male counterparts for the same work. The gender pay gap not only undermines the financial security of women but also perpetuates systemic inequalities that hinder progress towards gender equality.

According to recent statistics, women in the United States earn approximately 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. This gap widens for women of color, with Black and Latina women earning even less compared to white men. These disparities are unacceptable in a society striving for fairness and justice.

Championing pay equality requires concerted efforts from individuals, organizations, and policymakers. Here are some key steps we can take to address this issue:

Transparency in Pay

Employers should be transparent about salary structures and ensure that pay discrepancies based on gender are eliminated. By promoting transparency, organizations can hold themselves accountable and create fairer workplaces.  Organizations must correct current policies preventing the correlation between promotion and pay increase.  

Equal Pay Legislation

Often, the way a corporation runs prevents it from being able to make small changes that would take us much closer to equal pay for equal work.  When it is not beneficial to the bottom line, it’s difficult if not impossible to enact those changes, so governments must establish and enforce robust equal pay laws to protect women’s rights in the workplace. These laws should include provisions for pay transparency, anti-discrimination measures, and penalties for non-compliance.

Promoting Women's Leadership

Increasing the representation of women in leadership positions can help challenge gender stereotypes and promote pay equality. Organizations should actively support and mentor women to advance into leadership and they need to do this in a meaningful way by paying them an equal salary as they move into these leadership roles.  


Educating and Empowering Women

Education is a powerful tool for empowering women to negotiate fair wages and advocate for their rights in the workplace. Providing resources and training on negotiation skills can help women assert their value and demand equal pay. 

We can each contribute in small ways every day such as adding to a scholarship fund or even helping a friend, relative, or neighbor with childcare while she studies or attends classes.  

Supporting Women-Owned Businesses

Encouraging support for women-owned businesses can contribute to economic empowerment and financial independence for women. By patronizing and investing in women-led ventures, we can foster economic growth and equality.

As we commemorate International Women’s Day, let’s reaffirm our commitment to achieving pay equality for all. Together, we can challenge discriminatory practices, dismantle barriers to women’s economic empowerment, and build a more equitable and inclusive society for future generations.

For more information on gender equality and pay disparity, visit the United Nations website at .

 Let us continue to raise our voices, advocate for change, and strive towards a world where every woman is valued and compensated fairly for her contributions. Happy International Women’s Day!

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If I Commit Suicide, I Didn’t – John McAfee Sun, 10 Dec 2023 13:46:30 +0000 John McAfee, the feral entrepreneur and antivirus software pioneer, led a life that was as complex and controversial as the products he developed. His sudden death in June 2021, officially ruled as suicide, has spurred a plethora of questions, instance on further investigations, and some wild conspiracy theories and speculations,  This article delves into the enigmatic life of John McAfee, explores the theories surrounding his death, and attempts to shed light on the lingering questions that persist.

The Life of John McAfee

Born on September 18, 1945, in the United Kingdom, John David McAfee gained fame as the founder of the cybersecurity company McAfee, which introduced one of the first commercial antivirus software in the 1980s. His success, however, was marred by legal troubles, personal controversies, and a series of high-profile incidents.

After selling his stake in McAfee Associates, he went on to pursue various ventures, including the development of alternative medicine and the creation of a privacy-focused smartphone. His extravagant lifestyle, adventurous spirit, and outspoken nature fueled media interest and added to his notoriety.

Legal Troubles and Exile

McAfee faced legal challenges in Belize, where he lived for several years. Accused of involvement in the death of his neighbor Gregory Faull, McAfee went into hiding, claiming that he was being targeted by local authorities. His time on the run included a bizarre series of events, including disguises, elaborate ruses, and even a short-lived presidential campaign in the United States.

Watch more on Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee

Return to the Spotlight

In 2019, McAfee resurfaced in the public eye when he was arrested in Spain at the request of U.S. authorities for tax evasion. Facing extradition to the United States, he continued to maintain his innocence and insisted that the charges were politically motivated.

The Mysterious Death

On June 23, 2021, John McAfee was found dead in his prison cell in Spain, an apparent victim of suicide. However, given his history, the circumstances surrounding his death have fueled speculation and conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy Theories

Epstein Parallels

Some theorists draw parallels between McAfee’s death and that of Jeffrey Epstein, the financier and convicted sex offender. They argue that powerful figures may have orchestrated McAfee’s demise to prevent him from revealing sensitive information.

— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) January 1, 2023

Dead Man’s Switch

McAfee had frequently claimed to possess sensitive information that could expose corruption in high places. Some speculate that he had set up a “dead man’s switch” – a mechanism that would release damaging information in the event of his death.

McAfee- Dead man switch- Activated👀👀👀👀

— RTR❤ 🇺🇸“17”🇺🇸#1776 (@RTR175) July 25, 2021

Assassination Claims

Given McAfee’s colorful history, some conspiracy theories propose that he was assassinated by individuals or entities threatened by the information he possessed.

This clip is from an interview released Feb 2019. In it John is speaking about the Belizean government, explaining why he had a target on his back & why those in power were afraid of him.

He died June 23, 2021.#JohnMcAfeeDidNotKillHimself#GoneButNotForgotten#LegendsNeverDie

— John McAfee (@officialmcafee) December 4, 2023

Official Findings and Controversies

The official autopsy and investigation concluded that John McAfee died by suicide. However, doubts persist, with some questioning the thoroughness of the investigation and the veracity of the findings.


The life and death of John McAfee remain shrouded in mystery and intrigue. While official reports point to suicide, the controversial circumstances and the entrepreneur’s own claims of being a target for powerful interests have given rise to numerous theories. As with many high-profile deaths, the truth may never be fully unraveled, leaving room for speculation and skepticism. John McAfee’s legacy is one that combines technological innovation with legal troubles, eccentricity, and a cloud of uncertainty that continues to captivate public interest.

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Bad Actors Online: Unraveling the Differences Between Trolls, Internet Scammers, and Like Farmers Sat, 02 Dec 2023 16:38:30 +0000 The vast landscape of the internet is home to a variety of digital creatures, some harmless and others more nefarious. In this article, we delve into the major differences between trolls, internet scammers, and like farmers—three distinct entities that operate within the virtual realm with varying intentions and impacts.


Trolls are the mischievous troublemakers of the internet. These individuals seek to provoke emotional reactions and create chaos within online communities. Trolling can take various forms, including spreading false information, engaging in inflammatory discussions, and purposefully disrupting conversations. Trolls thrive on attention and often hide behind anonymity, making it challenging to identify and confront their behavior. Unlike internet scammers, trolls generally do not have a direct financial motivation but instead revel in the disruption and discord they sow.

Internet Scammers

Internet scammers, on the other hand, have a more concrete objective: financial gain through deceit. Scammers employ a myriad of tactics to trick individuals into providing sensitive information, such as personal details or banking credentials. Common scams include phishing emails, fraudulent websites, and online schemes that promise lucrative returns. Unlike trolls, who seek attention and chaos, internet scammers are driven by a desire for financial exploitation, preying on the trust and vulnerability of unsuspecting internet users.

Like Farmers

Like farming is a relatively recent phenomenon, particularly prevalent on social media platforms. Like farmers aim to amass a large number of likes, shares, and followers by creating and promoting content designed to go viral. This seemingly harmless pursuit, however, often involves the use of deceptive tactics, such as clickbait and sensationalized content. Once these like farmers accumulate a substantial following, they may sell or exploit their accounts for financial gain or to spread a particular agenda. The primary motivation here is not necessarily to disrupt or scam but rather to build a digital asset that can be monetized or wielded for influence.

Major Differences


Trolls: Seek attention and chaos.

Internet Scammers: Driven by financial gain through deceit.

Like Farmers: Aim to accumulate likes, shares, and followers for various purposes.


Trolls: Engage in provocative and disruptive behavior.

Internet Scammers: Utilize deceitful tactics for financial exploitation.

Like Farmers: Create content designed to go viral and accumulate social media engagement.


Trolls: Create emotional distress and chaos within online communities.

Internet Scammers: Financially exploit unsuspecting individuals.

Like Farmers: Build digital assets for financial gain or influence.


In the intricate web of the internet, understanding the distinctions between trolls, internet scammers, and like farmers is crucial for users to navigate the digital landscape safely. By recognizing the motivations, methods, and impacts of these entities, individuals can better equip themselves to identify and guard against the diverse challenges posed by these digital creatures. Whether dealing with disruptive trolls, deceptive scammers, or opportunistic like farmers, internet users can employ informed and vigilant practices to foster a safer online experience.

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Facebook Like Farming Fri, 16 Sep 2022 03:47:12 +0000 What is Like Farming and Why Do They Do It?

Facebook pages are dominated by posts trying to get you to like and share, copy and paste, or even fall for a fake offer.  This article will explain what scammers are attempting to do and how you can prevent yourself from being a victim.  

Like Farming – This shows itself in a lot of different forms.  I’m 120. Can I get 100 likes?  My wife says I can XYZ if I get 1,000,000 likes. They can be fun loving such as Like this goat just because.  

Like farming also pulls on your heartstrings with images of children and animals suffering asking for likes.  Or it can be provocative, requesting likes for very politically charged issues or asking people to show their support of a cause or even support for the President. 

According to Malware Bytes, most of the posts created with the intention of like-farming have one or more of these characteristics:

  • “I bet that [this subject] does not get a million likes,” where the subject is a mistreated animal, an unfortunate child, or anything else that deserves our sympathy.
  • “90 percent fail this test,” where you can usually spot the answer in less than 10 seconds.
  • “This is your chance to win an iPhone!” or any other desirable and expensive prize.
  • “Combine the month you were born in and the last thing you bought to find your vixen name.” The combinations are endless, but the answers will reveal some of your personal data.
  • “Respond to this statement if you are a true friend. I think I know who will answer.” If you have “friends” that will unfriend you when you don’t participate—good riddance.
  • “Facebook will donate one dollar for every like to this good cause.” Trust me on this one: Facebook will not.
  • “Send this to 10 of your Facebook groups to receive [a reward],” where the reward could be anything from eternal happiness to Disneyland tickets.
  • “Share this and see what happens.” Nothing happens, except maybe a feeling of frustration.
  • The posts often include a time limit. This is so you don’t take the time to think it through, and it give

Explained: like-farming: Malwarebytes Labs , Arntz

Like Farmers are not as malevolent as scammers and hoaxers (discussed in future articles), but they are trying to use you and get you to reveal your personal data so that they can sell it to the highest bidder.

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Elon Musk Announces Tesla Bot Mon, 06 Sep 2021 15:50:08 +0000 On August 19th, 2021 Elon Musk showcased Tesla’s vision of a human featured robot. Stating that Tesla vehicles are essentially semi-sentient car shaped bots, Musk asserts that this is the next step.

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Sophia the Robot Sun, 22 Aug 2021 20:14:55 +0000 Welcome to the Sweet Sybarite

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